[GIS] Finding values that are different between two tables in MapInfo/MapBasic based on a unique ID


I am comparing 2 tables which are mostly the same but there have been some amendments, in effect comparing a new version to the old one and displaying all the records with changes in a selection table based on a unique ID.

I run into problems with the following SQL part of the script:

Select * From selectedTableNew, selectedTableOld 
Where (selectedColumnNew = selectedColumnOld) 
And (aColNew <> aColOld) 
Into AmendedRecords

I receive the error

No join specified between selectedTableNew & selectedTableOld. Invalid join condition in WHERE clause."

Best Answer

Make sure that you are using Alias variables in your SQL statement. You might want to change it to something along these lines:

Dim columnNew, selectedColumnNew, selectedTableNew As String
Dim columnOld, selectedColumnOld, selectedTableOld As String
Dim aSelectedColumnNew, aSelectedColumnOld, aColNew, aColOld As Alias

-- Here you assign the values to the string variables
-- I'm assuming you are using a dialog to ask the ser for input
selectedTableNew = "SomeTable"
selectedColumnNew = "SomeColumn"
columnNew = "SomeOtherColumn"
selectedTableOld = "SomeTable2"
selectedColumnOld = "SomeColumn2"
columnOld = "SomeOtherColumn2"

-- Now you link the table and columns to create a Alias
aSelectedColumnNew = selectedTableNew & "." & selectedColumnNew
aSelectedColumnOld = selectedTableOld & "." & selectedColumnOld
aColNew = selectedTableNew & "." & ColumnNew
aColOld = selectedTableOld & "." & ColumnOld

Select * From selectedTableNew, selectedTableOld 
   Where (aSelectedColumnNew = aSelectedColumnOld) 
   And (aColNew <> aColOld) 
   Into AmendedRecords

This should give you the records where the "selected" columns are identical and where the "other" column aren't.

Make sure that SelectedColumnNew/-Old are the ID's that should be the same in the two tables