PostGIS – Finding Points Along a Path and Distance Calculation


I am unsure of the best approach to this problem. I can think of some ways of doing it which I will list below but I am looking for the best and most efficient way of doing this.


  • Given a variable number of points, create a "route" or line between the points.
  • Create a bounding box (of 50km[arbitrary]) around the route.
  • Return all points within this bounding box
  • Points must be returned in order along the route (A->D)

Note: The radius does not have to be circles. A,B,C,D can use rectangular bounding boxes.

Description of problem


  • Table with points (x,y – technically lat/lon)
  • Input points to create a route
  • Distance from route to include points

We are using PostgreSQL (8.4) and PostGIS (1.3.6) and Python.

This is the solution I came up with. Thoughts? Ideas? Input?

Possible Solution

  • Create three polygon "tubes" (A->B, B->C, C->D)
  • Filter points to only those in the polygons.
  • Subtract B->C from A->B so the polygons do not overlap (no duplicates)
  • Subtract C->D from B->C so the polygons do not overlap (no duplicates)
  • For each polygon
  • Calculate vector (A->B, B->C, C->D)
  • Find furthest point opposite of vector in the polygon.
  • Calculate distance from furthest point to each site in polygon.
  • Return points in order of distance (smallest -> largest)
  • Join all the points together (A->B points, B->C points, C->D points)


My approach was naive, after taking some time and looking at the PostGIS methods I came up with this single SQL call. Note its specific to our database but might help someone in the future. Im sure it could be improved as well.

    SELECT aerodrome_id
      (SELECT ST_Buffer(
              (SELECT ST_MakeLine(geom) 
                  (SELECT geom 
                  FROM geo_aerodromecustom_view
                  WHERE aerodrome_id IN ('CYOW','CYVR') 
                  ORDER BY CASE aerodrome_id WHEN 'CYOW' THEN 1 WHEN 'CYVR' THEN 2 ELSE 5 END
                  ) sites
          50000) as geo
      ) as line
    WHERE ST_Intersects(ST_Transform(geom, 900913), line.geo)
    ORDER BY ST_Line_Locate_Point(
          (SELECT ST_MakeLine(geom) 
              (SELECT geom 
               FROM geo_aerodromecustom_view
               WHERE aerodrome_id IN ('CYOW','CYVR') 
               ORDER BY CASE aerodrome_id WHEN 'CYOW' THEN 1 WHEN 'CYVR' THEN 2 ELSE 5 END
              ) sites
      ST_Transform(geom, 900913)

I had to project the data because I am using PostGIS 1.3.4 which doesnt support Geography type.

Basically what I am doing is I am using ST_MakeLine and a query to locate "aerodromes" and return their geometry.

I had to order them (using the CASE directive) so that the line would be connected in the right order.

I then project and buffer this line to create a Polygon that I can then use to see what other aerodromes intersect with the buffered polygon.

Using the unbuffered line (route) and the call ST_Line_Locate_Line I then order the discovered aerodromes as they appear appear along the path.

Best Answer

You should be able to run a SQL statement using the PostGIS function ST_LineLocatePoint to select the relative distance along the route. You will need a single route, a filter for the max distance from the route, and an order by clause.

This is untested, but should get you started:

Select    points.pointID
from      points, 
where     rountes.routeID = :routeid 
  and     ST_Intersects(points.pointShape, ST_Buffer(route.rounteShape, 50000))
order by  ST_LineLocatePoint(route.rounteShape, points.pointShape); 

You could filter by ST_Distance(points.pointShape, route.routeShape) <= 50000, but I'm not sure if that is going to use the spatial index.