ArcGIS Raster Analysis – Finding Locations of Highest Values in Raster Using ArcGIS Desktop


Using ArcGIS 10, I have a raster where I would like to find the pixel with the maximum value in the raster and return its location (center of pixel) in decimal degrees. I would like to iterate through this process returning the location of the second highest value of the raster, then third, and so on so that in the end I have a list of N locations that have the highest values in the raster in order.

I imagine that this might be most easily done using a Python script but I'm open to other ideas if there is a better way.

Best Answer

The answer can be obtained by combining an indicator grid of the top 1% of values with grids of latitude and longitude. The trick lies in creating this indicator grid, because ArcGIS (still! after 40 years!) does not have a procedure to rank raster data.

One solution for floating-point rasters is iterative, but mercifully quick. Let n be the number of data cells. The empirical cumulative distribution of values consists of all pairs (z, n(z)) where z is a value in the grid and n(z) is the number of cells in the grid with values less than or equal to z. We get a curve connecting (-infinity, 0) to (+infinity, n) out of the sequence of these vertices ordered by z. It thereby defines a function f, where (z, f(z)) always lies on the curve. You want to find a point (z0, 0.99*n) on this curve.

In other words, the task is to find a zero of f(z) - (1-0.01)*n. Do this with any zero-finding routine (that can handle arbitrary functions: this one is not differentiable). The simplest, which is often efficient, is guess-and-check: initially you know z0 lies between the minimum value zMin and the maximum zMax. Guess any reasonable value strictly between these two. If the guess is too low, set zMin = z0; otherwise set zMax = z0. Now repeat. You will quickly converge to the solution; you're close enough when zMax and zMin are sufficiently close. To be conservative, choose the final value of zMin as the solution: it might pick up a few extra points that you can discard later. For more sophisticated approaches, see Chapter 9 of Numerical Recipes (the link goes to an older free version).

Looking back at this algorithm reveals you need to perform only two kinds of raster operations: (1) select all cells less than or equal to some target value and (2) count selected cells. Those are among the simplest and fastest operations around. (2) can be obtained as a zonal count or by reading one record from the attribute table of the selection grid.