[GIS] Find the length of a road inside a polygon and a buffer


I'm a bit new to ArcMap but know the basics.
I have to find the lenght of roads(lines) innside my polgon and the buffer innside the polygon and the area the buffer is created around.
have one layer for roads for the entire map. Created two intersections, one for roads + my polygon and the buffer, the other for roads + polygon and the area i created my buffer around. By editing their symbols i can now see the roads. In the atribrute table "LENGHT" does not show the lenght of the roads, but some other values (loads of them have 1-2-3-4 identicals).
By clickin OBJECT TYPE for "roads" in the intersect layers, and calculate geometry, i get the lenght numbers, but i find no way to summarize them. The summarize option only gives a new table with the same numbers, and the statistic field is grey. I can use the "ruler tool", but thats quite heavy, since there is 174 road-pieces.
Any tips? how to proceed, should i not use intercet?

Best Answer

The length of each polyline objekt in the intersect result should be in the field Shape_Length. Intersect copies the attribute values from the input data, and as the field "LENGTH" is not tied to geometry length in arcmap it won't automatically update. Based on the Shape_Length field you should be able to summarize this.