[GIS] find the covariance matrix in Erdas Imagine

erdas-imaginelandsatpcaremote sensing

I've just run a principal components analysis on a Landsat image and am trying to calculate my factor loadings. I'm using the textbook Digital Image Processing by John Jenson as a guide and it says that I need to plug my eigenvalues, eigenvectors, and the covariance matrix into an equation to get the factor loading for each component and band. However, while I had the eigenvalues and vectors output to a file, I can't find the covariance matrix anywhere.

Can anyone tell me where I can find the covariance matrix? I also have access to ENVI and ArcMap in case either of those programs can give me it too.

Best Answer

You can use Spatial Model Maker and use operator called Statistics

enter image description here

or you can use Old Model Maker

enter image description here

the covariance operator is placed on analysis Part.

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