[GIS] find SRTM DSMs (digital surface model)

datademimageryremote sensingsrtm

I'm interested in finding a 30 meter DSM (digital surface model that includes canopy) from SRTM with the hope of creating a 30 meter canopy height model. I know that it can be done because the following studies have:



However, I can't for the life of me find DSMs, only DEMs. Does anyone have any suggestions for where to look online? Or do I need to contact JPL or some other agency directly? I'm also entertaining the idea of ASTER, but am finding those data to be equally challenging to locate.

Where can I find SRTM DSMs? – ResearchGate. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/post/Where_can_I_find_SRTM_DSMs?tpr_view=K9laIL6pyPlqgwnezqKIxKlevRuyrUeBAiXV_3 [accessed Jan 14, 2016].

I have cross posted because I figure that not everyone uses ResearchGate – https://www.researchgate.net/post/Where_can_I_find_SRTM_DSMs?tpr_view=K9laIL6pyPlqgwnezqKIxKlevRuyrUeBAiXV_3.

Best Answer

The SRTM data is a digital surface model as it includes canopy (and buildings and other infrastructure etc), there's further information in this question.

To get a bare earth DEM from SRTM data requires some processing, for example see Gallant et al (2012).

You don't specify what part of the world you want data for, but there is 30m SRTM DSM and DEM data (processed using the Gallant method to remove tree offsets) available under CC-BY for Australia from the National Elevation Data Framework.

For other parts of the world, you can download 30m (1 arc second) void-filled SRTM DSM data from USGS EarthExplorer.