[GIS] find official Land Use/Land Cover GIS data for Ecuador


Right now I'm specifically looking for Land Use/Land Cover data but things like roads and soils would be handy in the future as well. In the U.S. my source for nationwide LULC data would be the Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics (MRLC) Consortium but I don't know the equivalent group/agency in Ecuador, if there is one.

I do have some LULC data for Ecuador and it is pretty detailed, so I think that there is official LULC data for the country but I need to be able to cite my sources. Also, the data I have (from 2008) is in vector format but it was obviously converted from raster, so it would be great if I could get a hold of the original, untouched raster and its metadata. Basically, I'm trying to identify the provenance of the data I do have, and find more of it (for different years) if it exists.

Best Answer

I did find Ecuadoran LULC data on a couple of Ecuadoran government servers, as well as quite a few other layers, if anyone needs them in the future. I was not able to find all the older LULC data I was looking for. Here's what I found. If, like me, you don't speak Spanish, Google Translate is a big help navigating these sites:

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