[GIS] Filling in all Donut Polygons using ArcMap


I have a set of polygons that represent bodies of water.

In the same feature are polygons that are the islands in the body of water. So for a given lake, there are smaller polygons within that represent the islands in the same feature. However, the actual water polygon itself for that lake there are "holes" where the islands exist.

So for a lake with one island in the middle, the water polygon would look like a donut.

Now I want to create a layer of water polygons with the holes filled in, so that when I want to view all the lakes in a map, I can see all the water polygons without holes in them.

Note: An island may contain bodies of water within itself. There may even be nested bodies of water within an island, which is part of a body of water that is part of another island. Kind of like an inception of water/islands :-).

How would I be able to do this in ArcMap?

Best Answer

If you want to do this through editing you can find a simple method here. Also from this article: "There is a much simpler solution. If you run the Union tool on the feature class in question (so it is the only feature class in the list) and uncheck the 'gaps allowed' checkbox, it will fill in the gaps/donut holes which you can then query simply by the missing attributes."

You can also use the Merge or Append tools in ArcGIS to combine those polygons. The first creates a new output dataset and the second adds to an existing dataset. If you go this route I would recommend merging the polygons and then performing a union (which can eliminate any gaps). This may be your best bet since you can later add any nested islands.