Python ArcPy – Faster Methods of Finding the Smallest Number in a Field


Using arcgis desktop 10.3.1 I have a script which uses a search cursor to append values to a list and then use min() to find the smallest integer. The variable is then used in a script. The Feature class has 200,000 rows and the script takes a very long time to complete. Is there a way to do this quicker? At the moment I think I would just do it by hand rather than write a script due to the length of time it takes.

import arcpy
fc = arcpy.env.workspace = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)
Xfield = "XKoordInt"
cursor = arcpy.SearchCursor(fc)
ListVal = []
for row in cursor:
value = min(ListVal)-20
print value
expression = "(!XKoordInt!-{0})/20".format(value)
arcpy.CalculateField_management (fc, "Matrix_Z" ,expression, "PYTHON")

Best Answer

I can see several things that may be causing your script to be slow. The thing that is likely being very slow is the arcpy.CalculateField_management() function. You should use a cursor, it will by several magnitudes faster. Also, you said you are using ArcGIS Desktop 10.3.1, but you're using the old ArcGIS 10.0 style cursors, which are also much slower.

The min() operation even on a a list of 200K will be pretty quick. You can verify this by running this small snippet; it happens in the blink of an eye:

>>> min(range(200000)) # will return 0, but is still checking a list of 200,000 values very quickly

See if this is any faster:

import arcpy
fc = arcpy.env.workspace = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)
Xfield = "XKoordInt"
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(fc, [Xfield]) as rows:
    ListVal = [r[0] for r in rows]

value = min(ListVal) - 20
print value

# now update
with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(fc, [Xfield, 'Matrix_Z']) as rows:
    for r in rows:
        if r[0] is not None:
            r[1] = (r[0] - value) / 20.0


I ran some timing tests and as I suspected, the field calculator took almost twice as long as the new style cursor. Interestingly, the old style cursor was ~3x slower than the field calculator. I created 200,000 random points and used the same field names.

A decorator function was used to time each function (may be some slight overhead in the setup and tear down of functions, so maybe the timeit module would be a little more accurate to test snippets).

Here are the results:

Getting the values with the old style cursor: 0:00:19.23 
Getting values with the new style cursor: 0:00:02.50 
Getting values with the new style cursor + an order by sql statement: 0:00:00.02

And the calculations: 

field calculator: 0:00:14.21 
old style update cursor: 0:00:42.47 
new style cursor: 0:00:08.71

And here is the code I used (broke everything down to individual functions to use the timeit decorator):

import arcpy
import datetime
import sys
import os

def timeit(function):
    """will time a function's execution time
        function -- full namespace for a function
        args -- list of arguments for function
        kwargs -- keyword arguments for function
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        st =
        output = function(*args, **kwargs)
        elapsed = str([:-4]
        if hasattr(function, 'im_class'):
            fname = '.'.join([function.im_class.__name__, function.__name__])
            fname = function.__name__
        print'"{0}" from {1} Complete - Elapsed time: {2}'.format(fname, sys.modules[function.__module__], elapsed)
        return output
    return wrapper

def get_value_min_old_cur(fc, field):
    rows = arcpy.SearchCursor(fc)
    return min([r.getValue(field) for r in rows])

def get_value_min_new_cur(fc, field):
    with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(fc, [field]) as rows:
        return min([r[0] for r in rows])

def get_value_sql(fc, field):
    """good suggestion to use sql order by by dslamb :) """
    wc = "%s IS NOT NULL"%field
    sc = (None,'Order By %s'%field)
    with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(fc, [field]) as rows:
        for r in rows:
            # should give us the min on the first record
            return r[0]

def test_field_calc(fc, field, expression):, field, expression, 'PYTHON')

def old_cursor_calc(fc, xfield, matrix_field, value):
    wc = "%s IS NOT NULL"%xfield
    rows = arcpy.UpdateCursor(fc, where_clause=wc)
    for row in rows:
        if row.getValue(xfield) is not None:
            row.setValue(matrix_field, (row.getValue(xfield) - value) / 20)

def new_cursor_calc(fc, xfield, matrix_field, value):
    wc = "%s IS NOT NULL"%xfield
    with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(fc, [xfield, matrix_field], where_clause=wc) as rows:
        for r in rows:
            r[1] = (r[0] - value) / 20

if __name__ == '__main__':
    Xfield = "XKoordInt"
    Mfield = 'Matrix_Z'
    fc = r'C:\Users\calebma\Documents\ArcGIS\Default.gdb\Random_Points'
    # first test the speed of getting the value
    print 'getting value tests...'
    value = get_value_min_old_cur(fc, Xfield)
    value = get_value_min_new_cur(fc, Xfield)
    value = get_value_sql(fc, Xfield)

    print '\n\nmin value is {}\n\n'.format(value)

    # now test field calculations
    expression = "(!XKoordInt!-{0})/20".format(value)
    test_field_calc(fc, Xfield, expression)
    old_cursor_calc(fc, Xfield, Mfield, value)
    new_cursor_calc(fc, Xfield, Mfield, value)

And finally, this is what the actual print out was from my console.

getting value tests...
"get_value_min_old_cur" from <module '__main__' from 'C:/Users/calebma/Desktop/'> Complete - Elapsed time: 0:00:19.23
"get_value_min_new_cur" from <module '__main__' from 'C:/Users/calebma/Desktop/'> Complete - Elapsed time: 0:00:02.50
"get_value_sql" from <module '__main__' from 'C:/Users/calebma/Desktop/'> Complete - Elapsed time: 0:00:00.02

min value is 5393879

"test_field_calc" from <module '__main__' from 'C:/Users/calebma/Desktop/'> Complete - Elapsed time: 0:00:14.21
"old_cursor_calc" from <module '__main__' from 'C:/Users/calebma/Desktop/'> Complete - Elapsed time: 0:00:42.47
"new_cursor_calc" from <module '__main__' from 'C:/Users/calebma/Desktop/'> Complete - Elapsed time: 0:00:08.71

Edit 2: Just posted some updated tests, I found a slight flaw with my timeit function.

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