[GIS] Fail to create relationship class


I am trying to make a relationship class between two tables, but I get this message at the end:

Failed to create the specified relationship class

Can you tell me why?

Sorry I wasn't more precise: I use ArcEditor licence level, ArcGIS 10.0 version, and we're talking about a file geodatabase. I have a table for "ducts" and a table for "cables". A "duct feature" may have several "cable features", the forein key is the ID of the ducts. It's a one-to-many simple relationship.

Best Answer

Table to table relationship classes are not supported in ArcGIS 10.0! I was trying to do the exact same thing and an ESRI rep filled me in that it simply isn't possible. Only feature class to table relationships are supported (at version 10.0).

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