[GIS] Extracting raster pixel value in ArcGIS Desktop


I am dealing with some very large geotiff files (the whole of Canada at a 250m resolution) and is having trouble to extract the pixels value as I need to do some calculations for mapping ecosystem services (carbon,timber volume, biodiversity etc.). To do so, I need all the pixel value and we have around 4.37 billion raster pixels across Canada. I have tried Python code or convert from raster point but could not success. Then I tried to clip the raster by provenance but it only convert ~ 1/6 part of BC afterward it stopped working.

Can anyone help me to resolve this problem?

Best Answer

First of all I would copy the raster data to a file geodatabase, assuming it is a geotiff or something comparable. ArcGIS a lot faster using a geodatabase.

In a second step I would use map algebra to multiply the raster with 1000.

In a third step you can now save the raster as 16 bit integer (or other integer format needed for you data precision).

By using step 2 and 3 you can get rid of float and keep the precision. Additionally you will be able to use the extract values by point tool.

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