[GIS] Extracting peaks from DEM and creating 5 m elevation buffer around each peak in ArcGIS Desktop


enter image description here

I have a DEM available and would like to identify all the peaks that are likely to be bare rock. I want to be able to isolate these areas and create a 5m elevation buffer around them to represent the non-productive forest. I have used tools like fill but find the output to be to large/general and would like to get more specific..

In summary, I want to find and extract each peak in the DEM to turn it into a polygon out to the closed contour that encompasses the peak. Ideally like the picture attached.

Best Answer


import arcpy
from arcpy.sa import *
from arcpy import env
env.overwriteOutput = True
shallow = Fill(invert,0.95*height)
deep = Fill(shallow)
outRgnGrp = RegionGroup (big, "EIGHT")
outZmin = ZonalStatistics(outRgnGrp, "VALUE", invert,"MINIMUM")

arcpy.RasterToPolygon_conversion(AOI, pGons)
arcpy.Sort_management(pGons, peaks, sort_field="Shape_Area DESCENDING")
arcpy.DeleteIdentical_management(peaks, fields="gridcode")


enter image description here

NOTE: I presented workflow as a script, just to make it look shorter. In reality it is just a sequence of existing tools placed in order. You'll need to replace 3 lines, height assignment and output feature classes to make it work.

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