QGIS – Extracting Desired Values from KML File

convertgoogle earthkmlqgisshapefile

I have a kml file of roads that I would like to convert into a shapefile using QGIS, I understand that this should be a straightforward task however I am running into the issue of extracting necessary data from each feature in the kml file. Essentially I want all of the information from each kml feature (see google earth screenshot).

enter image description here

I want each of those attributes (FID, AMA_NAME, Shape_Length, etc…) to be displayed in the attribute table in QGIS as separate values. However, when I bring this kml file into QGIS and view the attribute table all of this information is grouped within the description field for each feature (see below QGIS screenshot).

enter image description here

Is there a way to get the information for each feature from the description field into an attribute table or other form that can be queried in QGIS?

Best Answer

There is a QGIS Plugin available which "looks at the KML description field to see if there are two column tables with entries, "tag=value" pairs, or "tag: value" pairs that could be expanded into table fields."

KML Tools: https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/kmltools/

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