[GIS] Extracting country specific data from planet openstreetmap big file


I am trying to obtain few old osm dataset of few specific countries/regions to see subsequent changes till now. I am using planet osm files which I think is the only source of old osm archieves. But after extraction planet osm file it's taking aroung 350GB enormous space. Although there is Osmfilter to extract specific tags, but I want to extract specific countries and regions instead. I have already tried QGIS, Linus-Terminal and PostgreSQL in order to do something further but this huge file is rather killing them. Any help regarding how to proceed?

Best Answer

There are various services offering country and area extracts. You can try to get into contact with one of the responsible people and ask how they are doing it. There is also a similar question at help.openstreetmap.org.

Geofabrik offers some background information with technical details and also provides .poly files which you can use for osmosis/osmconvert.