[GIS] Extract Values To Points using ArcPy with ArcGIS Pro gives arcgisscripting.ExecuteError: ERROR 010555: Internal error in Sample


I have built an ArcPy tool that works using Python 2.7. I am trying to use the same tool but now using Python 3. When trying to perform ExtractValuesToPoints of ArcPy I keep getting the following error:

arcgisscripting.ExecuteError: ERROR 010555: Internal error in Sample:
%s. ERROR 002834: The geometry operation was cancelled. Workspace or
data source is read only. Workspace or data source is read only. The
table was not found. [VAT_mixed_ht_raster_with_blocks] The table was
not found. [VAT_mixed_ht_raster_with_blocks] ERROR 002834: The
geometry operation was cancelled. Failed to execute

Executing with Python 2.7, the tool runs fine.


arcpy.gp.ExtractValuesToPoints(pt_file, ht_raster, observers)

Does it have anything to do with gp?

Best Answer

Try using the arcpy.sa.ExtractValuesToPoints() function which:

Extracts the cell values of a raster based on a set of point features and records the values in the attribute table of an output feature class.