[GIS] Extract values from feature class to points


I am using ArcMap 10.3.1. I have a polygon feature class along with a point feature class. I want to extract values from one field of my polygon feature class to my points.

To specify, I have a geologic map (so basically a polygon feature class) with a RockType field in its attribute table. I have a bunch of points and I want to know what the RockType of each point is based on the polygon feature class that has the RockType field.

I know of the Extract Values to Points and Extract Values to Table tools, but those both require raster datasets, which I do not have. I'm wondering whether extraction by feature class is possible in ArcMap. If so, what tools/codes do I need to perform this task?

Best Answer

You could use a Spatial Join This will join attributes from one feature class to another based on spatial location.So you can join the RockType attribute to any points that fall inside of the polygons.

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