[GIS] Extract raster pixel values from shapefile in QGIS


I have been encountering difficulties trying to extract the raster pixel values from a polygon shapefile that has been assigned the same CRS.

The problem under inspection is how to get a list or a table with coordinates and pixel values from a polygon shapefile over a singleband raster for further investigation of values.

What is the easiest and most efficient way to perform this otherwise seemingly very simple task?

Best Answer

I would prefer using R to do this, is really easy with extract() function. In QGIS is a long process, but result:

Suppose you have both layers:

enter image description here

Clip (or crop) raster layer to have a small input to work:

enter image description here

Create an empty raster with same extent/resolution:

enter image description here

Convert vector to raster using a unique ID by geometry:

enter image description here

Merge both raster layers:

enter image description here

Convert each layer to a csv file or use gdal2xyz -band 1 -band 2 -csv /path/to/file.csv in cmd/terminal windows:

enter image description here

You'll obtain two .csv files (or one using command line):

enter image description here

Filter table by polygon ID:

enter image description here

R approach:


raster <- stack('~/Downloads/S029W072/AVERAGE/S029W072_AVE_DSM.tif')
poly <- shapefile('~/Desktop/eliminar/Poly.shp')

val <- extract(raster,poly)

The result is a list with n slots, each slot represents a polygon feature used to extract.

     Length Class  Mode   
[1,] 22667  -none- numeric
[2,]  9190  -none- numeric
[3,]  8212  -none- numeric

[1,]              593
[2,]              588
[3,]              598
[4,]              607
[5,]              577
[6,]              586

Saving output in a csv file:

# I will use a field from my vector to create an idintifier (use unique values)
listnames <- poly$id

# create a empty list to save data frames to export
valList <- list()

# create as many data frames as features used to extract
for(i in 1:length(val)){
  valList[[i]] <- data.frame(ID=listnames[[i]],Value = val[[i]][,1])

# join all data frames and save it to an csv file

The output file: enter image description here

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