[GIS] Extract center coordinate polygon


I am new to R and I am looking for a little help. I have a polygonized raster image and I want to get the middle coordinate of the image. I have tried gCentroid
but there I get a list of multiple coordinates… how do I get just the middle one?

Best Answer

You can convert your raster to polygon then use gCentroid to extract the centroid. Here is an example taken from this answer


# example data
x <- raster(system.file("external/test.grd", package="raster"))

### To get the rectangular extent
e <- extent(x)
# coerce to a SpatialPolygons object
p <- as(e, 'SpatialPolygons')  

# calculate the centroid 
c1 <- gCentroid(p)
plot(c1, col='blue', add=TRUE)

### To get a polygon that surrounds cells that are not NA
# make all values the same. Either do
r = x > -Inf
# or alternatively
# r = reclassify(x, cbind(-Inf, Inf, 1))

pp <- rasterToPolygons(r, dissolve=TRUE)

# calculate the centroid 
c2 <- gCentroid(pp)

# look at the results
plot(p,  lwd=5, border='blue',  add=TRUE)
plot(c1, col='blue', add=TRUE)
plot(pp, lwd=3, border='red', add=TRUE)
plot(c2, col='red',  add=TRUE, pch = 17)

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