[GIS] Ext JS 4.2 and OpenLayers without GeoExt


Is it possible to use only Ext JS 4.2 and OpenLayers 2.12 without GeoExt or anything else? (to make a basic map application) I couldn't find any example.

Best Answer

Since GeoExt is based on OpenLayers + Extjs. So basically what you are trying to do is make your own GeoExt like thing.

If you want to use Extjs, because of its better display functions. Using GeoExt will be your best choice.

If you do not need Extjs, Openlayers can be used like using javascript.

Using or not using Extjs, depends on how comfortable you are with OpenLayers. If you are newbie, use OpenLayers without Extjs. Using both at once without proficiency in any will be big problem during debugging.