[GIS] Exporting to PDF-blank PDF


Could someone help me with determining how to export to PDF using QGIS 2.18.13 and my PDF viewer/editor is Foxit?

When exporting to PDFs, it is now blank. I have exported before with no problems. I have tried to do a jpeg, same thing, blank. Exporting to SVG, not blank but text is badly distorted/large in size. I have take text boxes out, still blank pdf. I have updated QGIS, I was using 2.18.1 at first, but I started getting blank PDFs before the update also.

Best Answer

When using WMS layers, there are some limitations with the DPI values in the print composer.

If exporting a map with WMS services results in a blank file, it means that the WMS service is "exportable" only with a less DPI value.

Try to lower down the DPI value of the exported map until the WMS will be finally displayed.

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