[GIS] Exporting PDF from QGIS with print composer without destroying fonts


So I'm making this nice map with a lot of labels which are going to end up in a book. Since the labels doesn't end up exactly where I want them I'd like to move them some in Illustrator after exporting them using the Print composer. The only problem is that when exporting to PDF the text is not text anymore, QGIS transforms it into paths instead of leaving the font alone.

Does anyone know a workaround so the labels stays as fonts when opening the image in Illustrator?

Best Answer

This has been an issue for a while, ever since the new labeling engine has been used. Recently, the development version of QGIS has a new render setup that allows this bug to be reasonably fixed.

See: http://hub.qgis.org/issues/3975

The fixed code changes are up for review for inclusion into the core codebase. When that happens, the feature will be available in the nightly releases, for testing.

There are still some scaling and font-embedding issues to be ironed out, but the feature essentially works now. Regardless, the fix should make it into the next release (QGIS 2.4).

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