[GIS] Exporting lists of Feature classes and fields from SDE


I'm using matt wilkies' arcplus module https://gis.stackexchange.com/a/5943/16793 to export a list of feature classes within an SDE database to a text file. I've also written a tool to write field names to a csv file:

   """The source code of the tool."""
  import arcpy, os, csv

fclass = "SDEConnection\\"+Feature
fieldnames = [f.name for f in arcpy.ListFields(fclass)]
writepath = r"C:\Users\ME\Desktop\TableFields\\"+Feature+".csv"
with open(writepath, "w") as output:
        writer = csv.writer(output, lineterminator='\n')
        for val in fieldnames:

Ideally, I'd like to loop through the feature classes and fields and write a write file containing something like below:

Feature Class or Table———————————–Fields


I'm a little stumped on nesting the loops and formatting the output like this.


Using the Walk method with a script like this

import os, arcpy, csv
def inventory_data(workspace, datatypes):
for path, path_names, data_names in arcpy.da.Walk(
        workspace, datatype=datatypes):
    for data_name in data_names:
        yield os.path.join(path, data_name)

obtains a unicode string like "C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Esri\Desktop10.2\ArcCatalog\Connection to oracle.sde\BASINS\BASINS.ONE"


fn = [f.name for f in arcpy.ListFields(fc)]
print fn 

extracts a list

[u'FNODE_', u'TNODE_', u'LPOLY_', u'RPOLY_',]

My aim is to combine Walk with ListFields in a loop and write the FeatureClass with its accompanying fields (delimited) to a file.

Best Answer

Here's an example you can reference. It prints the results to both the console and to a text file, but you could easily manipulate it to write to a .csv file.

Hope this helps.


Results :

Feature Class Name : CR.CANADA1  
Geometry Type      : Polygon  
Has Spatial Index  : True  
Spatial Reference  : GCS_North_American_1927
  Field Name : CR.CANADA1.AREA       Field Type : Double            Field Length : 8
  Field Name : CODE                  Field Type : String            Field Length : 4
  Field Name : NAME                  Field Type : String            Field Length : 25
  Field Name : POP1991               Field Type : Double            Field Length : 8
  Field Name : POP91_SQMI            Field Type : Double            Field Length : 8
  Field Name : SHAPE                 Field Type : Geometry          Field Length : 4
  Field Name : SHAPE.AREA            Field Type : Double            Field Length : 0
  Field Name : SHAPE.LEN             Field Type : Double            Field Length : 0
  Field Name : SHAPE.FID             Field Type : OID               Field Length : 0
# of Fields in Feature Class 'CR.CANADA1' = 9 


import arcpy

logfile = open(r'C:\TEMP\ListFCs_ListFieldNames_ListFieldTypes.log', 'w')

def log_results(message):

def main():
        wk = arcpy.env.workspace = 'Database Connections/ORCL - SDE@SRVRNAME.sde'
        fcList = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses("*")

        if not arcpy.Exists(wk):
            log_results("\n" + " SDE Connection File DOES NOT EXIST!!\n")
            fcCnt = 0
            fldCnt = 0

            for fc in fcList:
                fcCnt += 1
                desc = arcpy.Describe(fc)
                log_results ("\n Feature Class Name : {0}  \n Geometry Type      : {1}  \n Has Spatial Index  : {2}  \n Spatial Reference  : {3}".format(fc,desc.shapeType,str(desc.hasSpatialIndex),desc.spatialReference.name))
                #field = [f.name for f in arcpy.ListFields(fc)]
                fields = arcpy.ListFields(fc)
                fldCnt = 0
                for field in fields:
                    log_results ("\n    Field Name : {0: <24}  Field Type : {1: <20}  Field Length : {2}".format(field.name, field.type, field.length))
                    fldCnt += 1
                log_results ("\n # of Fields in Feature Class '{0}' = {1} \n".format(fc, fldCnt))

        log_results ("\n TOTAL # OF FEATURE CLASSES LISTED = {0}".format(fcCnt))
        log_results ("\n\n COMPLETED!! \n")


    except arcpy.ExecuteError:
        log_results (arcpy.GetMessages(2))

    except Exception as e:
        log_results (e[0])

if __name__ == '__main__':
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