[GIS] Exporting ground returns (.las) from classified point cloud


I have lidar data that is classified as several categories (water, ground etc.).

I need to open this lidar data in some software (it will be great if it would be a open source software) and delete a couple of them to leave only ground category.

Afterwards I have to export this data as *.las format again.

Best Answer

You can use the open-source liblas tools for this. The command is,

las2las --keep-classes 2 -i input.las -o output.las

To do many files, use a loop.

for f in *.las;
    las2las --keep-classes 2 -i $f -o $(basename $f .las)_gnd.las

These commands are, of course, for linux, unix or OSX. liblas is also available for Windows through OSGeo4W.

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