Export GIS Images with Transparency in QGIS – How to


I'm trying to export some images of Gulf of Mexico infrastructure that will later be used for non-GIS purposes as overlays onto sea current/weather maps (likely in photoshop).

I have no clue how to do this in either Arc or in QGIS. My student version of Arc just ran out but I still have access to Arc through school if there's an easy solution there ( I suppose Arc might have an "easy" solution).

I would rather a QGIS solution though as it is more sustainable for me in the long run. I have seen how to have a transparent background in the Print Composer background, but this doesn't help me when I add map data to the composer as the map data is imported into the composer with a white background.

Any tips? Maybe a way to change the background color of QGIS itself to transparent?

PS: To clarify, I'm looking to export with transparency, not have transparency in the program. Also, if it matters, the layers are vectors.

Best Answer

This is possible in QGIS using the print composer. You'll need to both:

  1. Remove the background color from the map item. This is done by unchecking the "background" option in the map item's properties. (The default is a white background)

  2. Set the page itself to a transparent style. This is done through the composition properties tab.