[GIS] Exporting attributes in KML file using QGIS


Here is what I am doing:

  1. Create a layer by uploading a shapefile into QGIS
  2. Select attributes of that file
  3. Export selected attributes with the "save only selected features" check box when I save the file

I need to export names corresponding to each polygon. Unfortunately when I save as KML file and open in Google My Maps, I can see only polygon boundaries, therefore I need to name them. The info is in a column in the attribute table.

Best Answer

In newer versions (I used QGIS 2.18.9) if you right-click on the layer -> "Save As..." you can toggle "Select fields to export and their export options". There you can select all the fields you want to export.

enter image description here

Optional: In the Save As-window - Scroll down to "Datasource Options", you can add the selected field name to "DescriptionField" or "NameField". For example if you checked the field "ABC123" and you enter "ABC123" in the NameField, the ABC123-data will have "Name" as the collumn-title in the exportet layer.

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