[GIS] Exporting a 16-bit image from QGIS


Could someone explain how to export a 16-bit image from QGIS ?

I have imported data and coloured it as I want, but need to export it as a 16-bit image, as 8-bit is giving a terracing effect. I believe, I need to use this code in OSGeo4W Shell, but I don't know how to use it.

gdal_translate -ot Int16 -srcwin xoff yoff xsize ysize -outsize xsize ysize src_dataset dst_dataset

Here is a screenshot of my map, which has the following extent:

Xmin 510000, Ymin 156000, Xmax 528000, Ymax 174000


Best Answer

In QGIS 3+ one can issue the command directly from the interface: Raster -> Conversion -> Translate (Convert Format)

enter image description here

and select Int16 in Output Data Type:

enter image description here

The output file is a 16 bit one:

enter image description here