[GIS] Export to drive – User memory limit exceeded


I am using the GSW seasonality raster in GEE. I started by clipping the GSW to the whole South America region and masked this region only. However, I do not manage to export to GDrive and I get the error:

User memory limit exceeded

Here is the code:

//South America polygon
SA_poly = ee.FeatureCollection("South_America_polygon");

//GSW 1.1 with seasonality and clip to South America shoreline
var seasonality = ee.Image("JRC/GSW1_1/GlobalSurfaceWater")

//export to drive
  image: seasonality,
  description: 'seasonality',
  scale: 30,
 folder: 'GEE',
  fileFormat: 'GeoTIFF',
  region: SA_poly,
  crs: 'EPSG:4326',
  skipEmptyTiles: true,

Is there a way to overcome that? Create a split polygon function of the export polygon to a size that would allow GEE export?

Best Answer

Yes, you can export dataset as individual tiles with a couple of custom tricks, but in your case I'd recommend using original export-ready tiled dataset.

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