[GIS] Export the legend into its 100% size using Print Composer


I am trying to export the legend into an image using Print Composer into its 100% size as it is in the composer window. To be sure it is the intended size I want, I clicked Zoom to 100%:

Zoom to 100%

But upon clicking Export as Image, I am forced to specify the image width and resolution, and there is no option for exporting into the 100% legend size as viewed in the Composer window:

Image export options

Clicking Crop to Content doesn't help as I need to specify the resolution in dpi, which I need to painstakingly readjust just to get the 100% size. I also tried using 100 dpi as the export resolution but the resulting image is not its full size.

I had thought there should be a simpler solution than manually readjusting the dpi, but I don't know how. How can I export the legend into its 100% size?

Best Answer

As I understand you need only the legend in high resolution. If so make a new Print Composer and add only the Legend into it enter image description here Know go to Composition and click on the Resize Page enter image description here Choose the resolution you need and save it as any other Print Composer export mapenter image description here
Know you will have an image at the size of the Legend as it was in the Print Composer enter image description here

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