[GIS] Export shapefile to KML for Google Earth – using QGIS

google earthkmlqgisshapefile

I am a real beginner with QGIS.
I have shape files of my study site.
I would like to have the nice google earth background.
I would like to be able to see my files in Google earth, then I can zoom and see details at a fine scale.
from what I understood, I need to export my files as kml files.
I clicked right on the layer and clicked on "saved as", I chose a place to save and a name for the file, I chose WGS 84, and saved.
When I open the kml layer in Google earth and/or QGIS it is completely wrong.
In Google earth, appears some segments every where on the globe; in QGIS, I have on the right a vertical line.
Can anyone explain to me what goes wrong?

Best Answer

From the details you gave, I assume your shapefile is set to a wrong projection.

Easiest way to check it is installing the Openlayers plugin, and load a Google or Openstreetmap background. Project CRS must be set to EPSG:3857, and On-the-fly-projection enabled under Settings->Project Settings.

You can check the CRS your layer is set to with rightclick -> Set CRS for layer. Also, have a look at the extent of the layer with Rightclick -> Properties in the Metadata tab

Please report the CRS and extent to investigate further.

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