[GIS] Export issues in ArcGIS 10.0

arcgis-10.0arcgis-desktopexportfile formats

I'm working on a bigger map for panaflex, 12'*10'. Since basemaps in ArcGIS cannot b exported as vectors (or may be I don't know how), I have to export a jpeg file or a pdf etc (pdf, even, without basemap has stripes of image). I have tried to export the file and I rec this error: "Invalid image parameter has been specified while rendering/writing the image". File gets exported in ai format but does not open in coral or adobe.

I would like to receive suggestions on how can I export this image to the best of quality with smaller size so that my designer may not have to work on this as exported map tends to be of huge size.

I do not receive any errors on page size A4 or A3 etc.

Best Answer

I think you're getting these errors, because the map is just too big to process. I can imagine that the size of the exported file is a couple of gigs.

You need to ask yourself a few things.

  • Does your designer need a basemap or can he be satisfied without? With other words: is the basemap essential for the final product or is more a guideline for your designer?
  • You can let the designer download a basemap, so you won't have to export it from ArcMap. The results are the same, because he is editing the map anyway.
  • Tweaking your export settings will help reduce the filesize and processing time enormously

Good luck