GeoServer Asynchronous Execution – How to Execute GeoServer WPS Asynchronously


I want to execute GeoServer WPS process asynchronously.
Is it necessary to change anything inside a synchronous process or to customize specific parameters at execution? I've tried to add mode="async" into wps request parameters, but geoserver wrote:

Attribute 'mode' is not allowed to appear in element 'wps:Execute'.

Is there any examples of the asynchronous process realisation?

Best Answer

I found solution and may be it will help someone ...

For asynchronous request you need to add this attributes:

storeExecuteResponse=true status=true

GET request example:


POST request example:

<wps:Execute version="1.0.0" service="WPS" xmlns:wps="" xmlns:ows=""> <ows:Identifier>gs:Test</ows:Identifier> <wps:DataInputs> <wps:Input> <ows:Identifier>testParam</ows:Identifier> <wps:Data> <wps:LiteralData>test</wps:LiteralData> </wps:Data> </wps:Input> </wps:DataInputs> <wps:ResponseForm> <wps:ResponseDocument storeExecuteResponse="true" status="true"> <wps:Output> <ows:Identifier>result</ows:Identifier> <ows:Title>result</ows:Title> <ows:Abstract>result</ows:Abstract> </wps:Output> </wps:ResponseDocument> </wps:ResponseForm> </wps:Execute>

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