[GIS] Excel (*.xls) imported into File Geodatabase is missing records


I am having a few issues with a join to a File GDB from an Excel .xls file I imported as a table to the FGDB.

The problem being records that are in the original spreadsheet are not appearing in the imported table and when I join and keep all records I am getting null values although I know in the original spreadsheet the values exist. There about 65000 records in the spreadsheet.

I have also tried with a CSV and failed as well as changing integer and double in the field type – can't seem to work out why this is.

The join is one to one, so nothing complex about it at all.

I'm using ArcGIS 10.2.2 for Desktop.

Best Answer

I recommend taking a step back from the join, and first work out why not all rows are in the table that you created from your Excel file.

Try using the Excel To Table (Conversion) tool which:

Converts Microsoft Excel files into a table.

to do this.

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