[GIS] Error while creating spatial database connection


I'm using ArcGIS 10.0, and I've already created my database using "ArcSDE for PostgreSQL Post installation" ..

My database is successfully created in PostgreSQL and now that I'm trying to create a spatial database connection from ArcMap, so I went to :

ArcCatalog ==> Database connections ==> Add spatial Database connection..

I've filled all the textboxes with the needed information and when I test the connexion before I submit, I get this error :

Failed to connect to the specified server.

Entry for SDE instance not found in services file.

Although I think I've provided the right information as below :

Server : localhost

Service : sde:postgres:localhost

Database : my_project

Best Answer

Your Direct Connect database reference is incorrect -- ArcSDE expects "sde:postgresql:hostname" for PostgreSQL, so it's falling back to a network services entry, and not finding that either.

The syntax is much easier at 10.1 and 10.2, since the "sde:rdbmskey:options" instance is replaced with a dynamic form.