[GIS] Error: “Layer is not valid” when adding a WFS layer in QGIS


Tried at both QGIS 2.16.3 and 2.18.8. Running on Windows 10 64bit.

Dutch government offers a particular WMS/WFS service. The WMS link works fine

I can also connect to a WFS link:


But then I get an error:

Layer is not valid: The layer retrictToRequestBBOX='1'
version='auto' table="" sql= is not a valid layer and can not be added
to the map

Turning OTF on/off at project properties doesn't make a difference.
I was able to load in other WFS-layers from other Dutch government links, like the BAG.

Any ideas?

Best Answer

It seems that QGIS is unable to download the feature type description. At first I thought this was because the server says these requests should be to

<ows:Operation name="DescribeFeatureType">
<ows:Get xlink:href="https://services.geodan.nl/public/data/org/gws/MBIZ4280LEEF/MBIZ4280LEEF_public/wfs"/>
<ows:Post xlink:href="https://services.geodan.nl/public/data/org/gws/MBIZ4280LEEF/MBIZ4280LEEF_public/wfs"/>

But QGIS is using:


which is a bug.

But even requests to the correct URL give Access Denied, which leads me to think there is probably some sort of access key required? But I don't speak enough Dutch to investigate further. I think you need to speak to the contact person (possibly by snail mail):

<ows:ProviderName>Ministerie van BZK</ows:ProviderName>
<ows:IndividualName>Postbus Leefbaarometer</ows:IndividualName>
<ows:PositionName>directie Kennis en Verkenningen</ows:PositionName>
<ows:City>Den Haag</ows:City>
<ows:PostalCode>2511 DP</ows:PostalCode>
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