[GIS] Error “latitude or longitude exceeded limits” when importing CSV file in QGIS

coordinate systemerrorimportlatitude longitudeqgis

I am currently working on a project with "on the fly"-projection (WGS 84 / UTM zone 32U).

I want to import a CSV file. file with points that have a longitude and latitude using the "Add Delimited Text Layer"-tool. In the tool I have to select a CRS. I tried this with several CRS's.

At first, the points will not show up correctly, but if I manually select a random CRS, then the points will show up correctly.

If I zoom out, the following Error will appear:

Error: "latitude or longitude exceeded limits"

I already read, that this might happen because of the lon&lat and a projected CRS, but this does not help me up to now.

This is how my CSV file looks like:

Best Answer

You have to distinguish between the project CRS and the layer CRS. Your data is in lat/lon degrees, so the layer CRS should be EPSG:4326, WGS84.

Your project CRS can be anything else. In most cases a projected CRS, where units are metres or feet. On-the-fly projection should always be activated.

Just be sure to check the "Decimal separator is comma" box when you have decimal commas in your coordinates.