[GIS] Error in clipping raster (.bil) using vector polygon in qgis


I am trying to clip the required portion of raster using polygon as a mask layer. The raster image is in .bil format. While loading the raster, I chose CRS as WGS84. Then I added the vector layer for which clipping was to be done. Using "Clipper" I tried to create clip layer. But it showed certain error as "Warning : the input vector layer has a SRS, but the source raster dataset does not.
Cutline results may be incorrect."
Both raster and mask layer have same CRS WGS84

Best Answer

As the warning states there seems to be a problem with the raster SRS...Maybe you try to assign one by using "Assign projection" tool (Raster -> Projections -> Assign Projection). Make sure you have the same EPSG-CRS for your raster and vector layer (sorry wanted make a comment, but my reputation seems to be too low as I just spend some on a bounty...)

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