[GIS] error in arcsde service


I am getting an error message when atempting to Create a connection in Arc Catalog. The message is : Failed to Connect to database
SDE not Running on Server
Then I Check the Service esri_sde it has not started, so when I try to start it I get the message : The ArcSde Service(esri_sde)service on Local Computer started and them stopped.
i found sde_esri_sde.log file . the error messages are :
IDBInitialize::Initialize Failed
DB_open_instance() PCC_connect error: 2
init_DB DB_instance_open_as_dba: -51
DBMS error code: 2
Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 10.0: Login timeout expired
i dont know what's wrong … ?!
please help me

Best Answer

I suggest you check you connection properties. You were able to run sde post install cleanly? DId you used command line or GUI installation?

Can you connect to SQL Server via other tools? VIsual Studio or SQL Management?