[GIS] Error importing Shapefile to PostGIS using Importer GUI


I'm trying to import a shapefile into a PostGIS database using the graphical importer. I just installed POSTGRESQL, and PostGIS. The GUI looks like this:

enter image description here

After testing that my database worked, I chose the shapefile that I wanted to upload, and then received a message that it had failed to import. I tried tweaking a few paramaters, but I'm not sure what I'm doing.

Are there any good tutorials or instructions about how to do this? I'm using Windows 7 64 bit.

Just adding a little more of my error message.

Shapefile import failed. Connection:
host=localhost port=5432 user=postgres
password='******' Destination:
public.Area Source File:
Shapefile type: Polygon Postgis type:
MULTIPOLYGON[2] Failed SQL begins:
BEGIN; CREATE TABLE "public"."Area"
(gid serial PRIMARY KEY, "fid_1" int4,
"area" numeric, "dtm" float8, "dsm"
float8, "hgt" float8, "nat_area"
numeric, "nat_peri" numeric, "nat_vol"
num" Failed in pgui_exec(): ERROR:
type "geography" does not exist LINE
14: "the_geom"

Shapefile import failed.

I've tried running @MerseyViking's suggestion, and then importing again. In the Geometry Column: box I chose MULTIPOLYGON and then tried to import the projected shapefile. The following errors appeared:

Failed SQL begins: "CREATE INDEX "NeighborCheck_MULTIPOLYGON_gist" ON "public"."NeighborCheck" using gist ("MULTIPOLYGON" gist_geometry_ops);
Failed in pgui_exec(): ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block

Shapefile import failed.

Then I tried ticking the Load into GEOGRAPHY column box in Options, and received the following error:

Failed SQL begins: "CREATE INDEX "NeighborCheck_MULTIPOLYGON_gist" ON "public"."NeighborCheck" using gist ("MULTIPOLYGON" gist_geography_ops);
Failed in pgui_exec(): ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block

Shapefile import failed.

Both error messages are identical and I don't quite understand them.

Best Answer

The message you are getting is that 'type geography does not exist' This either means you did not install postgis correctly or you are using an older version? Geography data type was introduced in version 1.5