[GIS] Error: Cutline feature without a geometry. > Raster Type


I've got an Error: Cutline feature without a geometry on QGIS 2.4.0 Chugiak.
I have 2 samples (A raster type and a vector type), they have the same coordinates (EPSG:4253 – Luzon 1911) Then I tried using Clip on my Raster type,
Raster > Extraction > Clipper

Then I masked my vector to my raster, and got that error, Any Help would do. Or if you want I could send you my files.

Best Answer

Similar problem right now (QGIS 2.6.1). But shapefile has some issues (topologic issues). I guess that shapefile has to be repaired before being used as crop mask.

Topological issues in shapefiles can be repaired using GRASS GIS. Here's a really simple guide of how to repair a bad polygon. You only need to know how to use GRASS GIS.


This guide help me resolve my problem with a polygon shapefile with topological errors. Then, cropping was as easy as usual using QGIS tool and gdal warp tool.