[GIS] Error 999999 on FeatureClass To FeatureClass conversion in ArcPy


I am currently working on a python script where I am trying to copy selected features into a feature dataset.

Basically I have an mxd containing some layers, and for each layer I select features by their attributes, this query is based on the featuredataset name.
The script I have written get a list of the feature datasets of my geodatabase. With the name of the featuredataset, I can build a query filter (arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management) for each layers of the mxd.
If my selection return something, I export the selected feature in the proper dataset (arcpy.FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion).
The script is processing the first dataset properly, but once it jumps to the next one it fails… I cannot figuring out why I am receiving the following message error(arcgisscripting.ExecuteError: ERROR 999999: Error executing function.
Failed to execute (FeatureClassToFeatureClass).)

##path of the geodatabase 
##set the workspace
##get the list of the featuredataset
fdlist =arcpy.ListDatasets()
##get the mxd path and initialise it
doc_mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument(path_mxd)
##list of layers

for fds in fdlist:
    print "________","\n ", fds
    ##work on the featuredataset name, for suiting the query
    get_fds= fds.replace("As_con_","")
    ##path of the featuredataset
    ##prepare the query
    SQLexpression= "\"As_Constructed_Plan\"='"+fds_name+"'"
                    ##path where we will store the selection

    for fc in fclist:
        ##Select the featureclasses
        arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management (fc,"NEW_SELECTION",SQLexpression)
        ##Count the selected features
        count = int(arcpy.GetCount_management(fc).getOutput(0))
        print fc,count
        ##if the query succeed, we will copy the  selection into the proper featuredataset
        if count>0:
            ##print some info

            ##check if the featureclass does not exist
            if not arcpy.Exists(fc_path):
                print "\n copying...",count," entities , on ",fc_path
                print (fc_copy_from,fds_path_test,fc_name,SQLexpression)

                print "export ok"

Best Answer

Finally, I figured out that my problem was linked to the name of the feature class' output. It is the fc_name of the following line:


I have run some test and discovered that I can't add 2 similar output name... even if it is processing a different dataset... So to fix the problem, I have created an incremented index that I linked to the feature class name (new_fc_name=fc_name+str(i) with I incremented after a loop). It may not be the best way to process, but at least, it is working...

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