[GIS] Equivalent of Simple Data Loader in Modelbuilder


I have a model which processes a user specified polygon feature class InputFC, with the final result a dissolved (based on a user specified dissolve field D_FIELD) polygon feature class OutputFC. The model also creates a file geodatabase and an empty feature class called FinalFC using InputFC as a template (for the attribute schema).

If I were doing this manually, I would now load the data from OutputFC into FinalFC using the Simple Data Loader in ArcCatalog. Since they have the same table structure, ArcCatalog would automatically match D_FIELD in OutputFC to its matching D_FIELD in FinalFC and load the data into it. The rest of the attributes in FinalFC would be empty. Is this functionality available as a tool for ModelBuilder, or is there a better way to get the dissolved data into the correct table structure?

Best Answer

I think the Append tool is what you're looking for. Just make sure the schema_type is set to 'TEST'.

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