[GIS] Enlarging/shrinking while maintaining aspect ratio when using Google Earth Pro to Edit Image Overlay

georeferencinggoogle earthoverlay

In Google Earth Pro "Edit Image Overlay", the only way I have found to enlarge
or shrink the overlay while maintaining the X:Y aspect ratio is to
grab one of the four green corners (not the four middle of edge
"T"s), and carefully pull it in a direction exactly toward or away
from the image center "+". Is there any better way?
(Note Properties > Location > Fit to screen wipes out rotation.)

Best Answer

Thanks @Kazuhito! Indeed one finds that holding SHIFT while moving any of the 4 corners, or four "T" edges, will all do the same job: proportional scaling! (Also noted in https://support.google.com/earth/answer/148099 .) Works on Linux too. (Alas, one must zoom out to be able to access these eight items if one is too zoomed in. But then one cannot see what one was trying to look at.)

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