ArcGIS Desktop – How to Eliminate Interior Lines of a Polygon Without Dissolve


Tan created using autocomplete polygon, blue is original

I am trying to find a way to create one polygon from separate polygons but I need to eliminate the interior lines without using the dissolve tool because I need to keep attribute fields. I tried using the autocomplete tool but that would take a very long time to go through every neighborhood in the city. Is there a way to create this outer boundary (tan polygon) from separate polygons (blue polygon) and eliminate the interior lines without the dissolve tool?

Best Answer

I believe you want the Aggregate Polygons tool, though it requires an Advanced license. The same thing can be partially accomplished with the Dissolve tool (manual editing is required to fill in the holes). The key is that after you create your new single polygon, you'll need to use an attribute Join or the Join Field tool to incorporate the necessary attributes from your original shapes to the new one. The help page linked above for Aggregate Polygons describes this with the optional Out_Table parameter.

Aggregate Polygons will solve the 'street hole' issue that Dissolve will not. However Dissolve can also do some attribute statistics (say adding values from each piece to get the value for the whole) which Aggregate won't.