QGIS Volume – How to Create Elevation and Volume Relationship Curve in QGIS for Cut and Fill Analysis


Is there any tool in QGIS3 or any open source tool which does a Volume against Elevation curve when you provide a polygon?

For clarity enter link description here has a good way to calculate the volume from one elevation but if you need the elevation vs volume curve between two elevations this can be time consuming. For example if you need to know the volume vs elevation between 400m and 700m at 0.1m intervals you will need (700 – 400)/0.1 = 3000 surfaces.

I'm trying to calculate the a reservoir dam capacity where I need to know the total volume at a certain elevation of an irregular surface.

What I'm trying to do is something like this:
How To Calculate Surface/Cut Volume QGIS – Advanced

However this process is time consuming especially with RL's small resolutions (0.1 m)

There are some commercial tools available to do this such as Global Mapper:

Cut and Fill Tool – Global Mapper

Best Answer

You may not believe it, but you can use QGIS Hypsometric curves tool (in Processing Toolbox > Raster terrain analysis) exactly for this purpose.

enter image description here

Please do not forget to reproject your map to a CRS beforehand which uses the units in which you need to get the area.

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