[GIS] Editing with auxiliary features (lines, points etc.) in ArcGIS Desktop


In order to digitize exact features in ArcGIS Desktop 9.3.1, our draftsman would like to use auxiliary features (lines and points mostly) that don't have to be saved later on. I told them the easiest way was to digitize the auxiliary features into a seperate shapefile – is there a simpler or better way?

(in case I didn't explain what I want very good I'll give an example. Suppose someone has to digitize a lighting post (point feature) 4 meters from a curb. In Autocad our draftsman would have digitized a line four meters long, using snapping he'd put a lighting post feature in the end of the line (in a different layer), and in the end he'd erase the line.

Is there any way to mimck the process without actually digitizing into a shp/gdb?)

Best Answer

Your Draftsman could use the Direction Distance Tool, that you find "under" the Sketch Tool button. The symbol on the button is a circle with a crossing line.

To use the tool:

Set your Target to you Lighting Post and then:

  1. Set snap (edge/vertex) to your curb layer (Editor button -> Snapping).
  2. Choose the Direction Distance Tool.
  3. Click the position on the curb, where the lighting post should be placed.
  4. Now a line shows up on the screen, and by moving the mouse the direction of the line can be changed.
  5. When the right direction is represented by the line, the left mouse button is clicked.
  6. Now click once more on the same place on the curb as in bullet 3.
  7. Now a circle shows up on the screen.
  8. Press "R" on the keyboard and state the radius of the circle (in other words how long you want the the post placed from the curb) - here 4 meters.
  9. Press Enter on the keyboard.
  10. Now choose which of the two possible intersections between the line and the circle you want to use.

That's it.

I know that the accuracy for the direction isn't that good, since you are unable to use the Perpendicular function, but maybe thats ok?

ArcGIS 10 has a new Place Point at the end of a Line tool, that will do exactly what you want, and you can use Perpendicular and so on too, but sadly it is not available in 9.3.1.