QGIS – Editing Polylines: Extend, Trim, Fillet


I was wondering, if its possible to edit lines and polylines in qgis, in similiar way as autocad commands "extend", "trim" and "fillet"?

About how the commands for in Autocad, very shortly: The EXTEND command allows you to extend an entity to touch another entity in a drawing. The TRIM command allows you to shorten an entity to an intersection or remove a section of an entity between two intersections. Fillet: Constructs an arc of specified radius between two lines, arcs, circles, or will create arcs of the specified radius at the vertices of a polyline. Radius of the arc to be constructed may be set to 0, which will make a sharp corner.

I am updating certain trailpath map and the accuracy isnt really issue – so i could just use snap and digitize/split & delete, but I began to wonder if there is for example plugin to do this in more efficient way?

Best Answer

To trim a line, you could simply use the 'split features' tool.

To extend, you have two choices: create a new line and merge both or use the node tool to drag the endpoint to your desired location.

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