[GIS] Editing layers in GeoServer with web application


I wanted to edit layers in GeoServer where they are store in PostGIS database. I have refereed http://www.gistutor.com/openlayers/22-advanced-openlayers-tutorials/47-openlayers-wfs-t-using-a-geoserver-hosted-postgis-layer.html link for that, which works. But now i also wanted to edit previous feature and also add attributes of feature that has been added (note: from this link edited feature cannot be edited again once web application is refresh and attributes cannot be added) . I also wanted to correct edited mistake without entirely removing the feature. I also refereed links like Ref Link 1 and Ref Link 2. Please help me out for same. From this i wanted to create an web base application for editing layers from GeoServer . If any other opensource software if you can suggest for this web application please suggest. Please help me out for same.

Best Answer


The link to the Community Edition of the OpenGeo Suite can be found here.


It would seem that OpenGeo has removed the community edition. You can still use GeoExplorer though.

enter image description here

The OpenGeo Suite Community edition has a GeoExplorer web app that you can use to style and edit layers. You can install it along with the OpenGeo Suite or by itself. The code is at Github.