ArcGIS Desktop – How to Edit or Create a New Normal.mxt Template in ArcGIS for Desktop


I used to work with .mxt templates often back in version 9 and 8 but things seems to have changed since then.

I realized that my new documents are loading a style file I don't want to to be loaded in any of my new documents but I am unable to simply unchecked it in the style manager – it always comes back. (This is a style file somehow autimatically generated by Geosoft Target, a geological drillhole management software which I need to have installed on the machine.) Before I contact Geosoft I wanted to try if I can prevent ArmMap it from loading this custom style by removing it from the mxt template itself.

This is not as easy as I've envisioned since there is no Save As mxt option in version 10.1.

I saved my document as Normal.mxd into the \AppData\Roaming\ESRI\Desktop10.1\ArcMap\Templates folder and deleted the Normal.mxt. (As per ESRI: Any map document (.mxd) can be used as a map template.)

Starting ArcMap generated a new Normal.mxt in the "Templates" directory ignoring the Normal.mxd I saved there.

Changing the Normal.mxd extension to mxt results in ArcMap launching a completely blank document.

How can I edit the existing mxt or create a new mxt?

Best Answer

As you have found you cannot create new *.mxt files at ArcGIS 10.1.

To get a better understanding of how to save customisations in the Normal template at ArcGIS 10.1 perhaps start at the Fundamentals of saving your customizations page in the documentation.

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