[GIS] Editing coordinates of some point features in ArcGIS 10.3


I am working on a point shapefile in ArcGIS 10.3, now I have to move some of the points to new locations based on another point shapefile, I have already tried it by using Editor/Edit vertices and dragging specific point to the exact location based on the second point shapefile. They are successfully moved to new location however when I am adding the coordinates (Long and Lat) to the attribute table of the respective shapefile, the values are Zero! So how can I get the coordinates for edited points?

Best Answer

Try Add XY Coordinates (Data Management > Features > Add XY Coordinates).

enter image description here

Considering that your shapes are properly projected. However, you need not to drag it to specific coordinate. In Edit Vertices mode, right click on the point and select move to option.

enter image description here