[GIS] “Easy Custom Labeling” arrows: How to get them


I have installed the Easy Custom Labeling plugin, but haven't figured out how to make the "Generate lines" function work. When I click on the tool in the toolbar, it opens the dialogue to specify my CRS. Ok, that's done. So having moved a label that was too crowded, how do I make the connector line?

(I'm running QGIS 1.8)

Best Answer

you need to first generate a label layer, then move labels by hand, and save the eidts to that layer. Then select that label layer (click on it in legend) and click arrow button. Arrows will be generated for labels moved by hand only. If nothing appeared in your tests, maybe it's because you didn't move labels or didn't save edits. The prompt fro CRS is related to your settings in general CRS options. You can hide that prompt if needed by telling QGIS to use project or default CRS.. RĂ©gis